Christopher Ocampo

Company: Abbvie
Job title: Senior Medical Director
Navigating Challenges & Insights from ALS Clinical Trials: Lessons from ABBV-CLS-7262 Program 1:00 pm
Critically analyzing past trials for commonalities in successes and setbacks to identify patterns in therapeutic efficacy and design limitations Reviewing the rationale behind broad-spectrum mechanisms and refining patient selection strategies to enhance trial success under the HEALEY trial framework Highlighting innovative design elements and biomarker approaches employed in the ABBV-CLS-7262 study to inform future trialsRead more
day: Conference Day Two Track B PM
Panel Discussion: Given Recent Failures, How Can we Tailor ALS Clinical Trials to Successfully Meet Regulatory Expectations 1:30 pm
Outlining the approval path for sporadic and familial ALS: is it the same for different modalities? What is the regulatory bar for approving this? Harnessing innovative trial design Cross comparing diverging requirements for different regulatory agencies including the FDA, EMA and more Establishing clear, patient-relevant endpoints and leveraging biomarkers to demonstrate efficacy Critically identifying stumbling…Read more
day: Conference Day One Track B PM