Fernando Vieira

Company: ALS Therapy Development Institute
Job title: Chief Executive Officer & Chief Scientific Officer
Panel Discussion: Uniting Forces: Collaborative Initiatives Driving ALS Drug Development Through Data Sharing & Accelerated Research 5:30 pm
How are these initiatives complementing each other in the ALS research space? What are the biggest hurdles in harmonizing and sharing data across these programs? How do we ensure that patient-centric approaches remain at the forefront of these efforts? What are the best practices for ensuring standardization and quality of collected data? How can international…Read more
day: Conference Day One PM
Workshop B: Decoding Clinical Endpoints in ALS: Revolutionizing Drug Development with Emerging Biomarkers, ALS-FRS-R & Digital Endpoints 9:00 am
This workshop explores the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) as a cornerstone clinical endpoint, addressing its limitations and strategies to enhance its impact. We’ll investigate the role of digital biomarkers, such as wearables and smartphone-based assessments, alongside other primary and secondary endpoints like respiratory function, survival, and quality of life. Attendees will gain actionable insights…Read more
day: Pre Conference Day Workshop B